We were awaiting Max's arrival, impatiently. I was due the 23rd and went on time with Fox, so I figured I'd do the same :) or was just hoping! We had our favorite Cedar Rapids pizza Tomaso's with the Rabes on Friday night. Sat came and seemed like he was going to come, so we went back to their house to take Fox in case we ended up at the hospital...but ended up doing a lot of walking with lots of contracting..but no Max. Went home that evening, had my mom come down and then starting regular contractions about 4:30am. Called L&D and drove to Iowa City, to the U of I Hospital. Was checked and said 5-6cm. We started walking and walked for a long time! Got in the tub for a while, then on the birthing ball. Finally he was ready and I had two long pushes and he was out in less than two min. I was able to help pull him out and up onto my chest myself..was a really special experience! My sweet Max was here and safe and healthy, 7lbs 15oz. We had a great experience at the hospital and were blessed to have my mom come and stay with us and keep Fox. It was special to have time with just Max. Also to have the Rabes visit us and kindly bring us Chipotle :) Great friends!
Tonight we celebrated Max and his first year of life! Mom is here visiting and the Johnson's came over as well. We couldn't have a party for Max without his fan club (Caleb and Cooper). Grilled, homemade strawberry cupcakes, big boys playing in the little pool and enjoying the beautiful weather in the backyard. Loved seeing Max so happy sitting with Daddy, Grammie and Emy! What a blessing he is to us. Can't believe he's a year old already. Thank you Lord for this precious gift! We give him back to you and pray he would know you and follow after you! I love you Maxy...my sweet Max Millard!
taking the next step
12 years ago