
2 mamas, 3 boys, PB&J, the park - Priceless

My friend Emy and I took the boys..
Caleb, Fox and Cooper to the park
last week while we were husband-less
for the the evening. The weather was perfect!
So we packed PB&J's and met at the park.
We had a great time. Caleb(2 1/2) went
all over doing his own thing and Foxy(14mo) was
trying to climb into the tunnels and loved trying
to play with the big kids! Cooper(6mo) just enjoyed
the scenery and being held by mom :)

1 comment:

mrsemyjohnson said...

oh! brings tears to think next year I can't just call you up to meet at the park! God is Sovereign. Love the blog..a great idea!