
Boston Fox Sox

September 30-October 3, 2008

Mike had to travel to Boston for some meetings and we decided to make a family trip out of it!

It was a lot of fun. Fox did great on the plane, then we got there and took a tour of Fenway Park. It was really neat to see, especially because it's the oldest ballpark in the U.S. Foxy got a Red Sox sweatshirt...as a fan and it was a little chilly! We drove toSalem to explore because it was rainy and cold outside, it wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be. The next day it was a beautiful fall day and we drove up to Ipswich, MA. It's the first period town still standing and it was really neat. We went to an orchard that had animals and ducks and tractors to climb on, Fox loved it! It was a gorgeous place, but unfortunately we didn't bring any pumpkins or apples home...don't think security would've like that. Then Fox and I went a few miles further and went to the beach...it was so great! He loved playing in the sand and we met a nice guy with his dog Chase...who Fox loved. He took some pics for us and got Fox's buddy Chase in one too :) It was a sweet time with the boy.

The last day we walked across a scary bridge that you could see through to downtown Boston. I hate bridges...especially those. We went to Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market. Quincy Market has been selling goods to the people of Boston since the beginning so that was neat to see. We then walked on park of the Freedom Trail and went to the the Old State House where the Declaration of Independence was first read...it was exciting to be there. Kinda interesting though...the basement is now a subway station. It was a great trip and lots of fun memories!

Click here to see more Boston pictures:

Here are some links to the places I mentioned:

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